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Your commercial organisation needs to operate like a well-oiled machine. This depends on the clarity your teams have on where and how decisions are made, their individual role and what is expected of them. Providing this clarity typically requires a set of targeted interventions.

A clear, simple set of management routines need to be defined. Governance and reporting are to be in place to ensure a business wide level of visibility of the metrics that matter and, crucially, the points at which action is to be determined to drive these forwards.

The reality is that that top down control for decision making is going to slow you down. You need choices to be made right through your organisation daily to ensure you are relevant, responsive, and adjusting to market conditions. Getting clear on how you and your teams will achieve this is vital.

Designing and aligning incentivisation schemes will ensure your teams are in lock step, pursuing the same goals and pulling on the right commercial levers.

Business process design and mapping in support of your customer and sales journey will ensure that nothing falls through departmental gaps, leading to missed opportunities or risks developing.

Commercial Effectiveness: About


What gets measured gets done. But of the myriad of measures across your business, which ones should you elevate to true KPIs? How will you ensure the right balance of sales, financial, customer, and efficiency measures? Effective KPI choices will enable you to unify your organisation behind the things that truly matter to your performance. Developing the right reporting will ensure these are tracked, visible and genuinely drive decision making.



Who to pay? What to pay out? What to pay for? How to pay out? Good incentive plan design answers these questions specifically for each role in scope for incentive schemes. Schemes must directly align to strategic and operational objectives, genuinely stimulate performance, fairly reward, and be kept as simple as possible. Looking after your star performers to keep them motivated is obviously important but also shifting performance the middle of the pack where greatest overall gains can be made.

Business Meeting


Many businesses are not short of management routines but often these are poorly connected which can cause delay, communication issues and inefficiency. Set piece planning processes need to translate seamlessly into execution focussed operational forums. Dynamic markets and categories need fast decision making as close to the customer as possible. This needs to be balanced with appropriate governance so that strategic direction is not compromised. Mapping out and embedding the business cycle will ensure strong collaboration across sales and marketing. Defining the correct inputs, outputs and hand offs will lead to informed decision making and actions happening as a matter of course.



Clear, well understood and consistently applied business processes underpin your sales and customer journeys. Making sure that your business is properly connected across teams with your CRM and other systems, people are aware of their roles and responsibilities in your internal network and service levels are met are fundamentals you cannot compromise on. We will help you design and implement the business processes required for the smooth running of your operation. Without this in place, you are increasing business risk, customer dissatisfaction and limiting your ability to automate to drive further efficiencies.

Commercial Effectiveness: Services
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